’s Exclusive Interview with Lauren Oliver, Part 2!

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Time for Part 2 of our interview with Lauren Oliver!

Today, we’re covering all of the questions we have about Pandemonium! That is, everything short of “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US?!”


The section of the interview talks about all the juicy details of Pandemonium, so if you have not yet read every single page of this thrilling book, DO NOT READ THIS PART OF THE INTERVIEW! It is riddled with spoilers!

Already read it? Click the “Continue Reading” link to get all the details!

Continue reading’s Exclusive Interview With Lauren Oliver: Part 1!

Soon after we finished Pandemonium, we had the extreme pleasure of interviewing Lauren Oliver, the brilliant author behind the Delirium trilogy! Besides being an amazing writer, it turns out that Lauren is also a super sweet (though we’re sure you already could have guessed that!)

Part 1 of the interview is spoiler-free when it comes to Pandemonium, however the last question discusses the details of Lauren’s five chapter e-novella Hana. If you’re still looking read the novella, please avoid that last question!

Lauren Oliver Delirium Pandemonium

Lauren Oliver

You chose to structure Pandemonium much differently than the chapter-by-chapter set-up of Delirium. What brought that about?
I think I was just confronting a very broken Lena at the end of Delirium—and I needed, for my own sanity, to project forward, to know that she would turn out to be okay. So I began writing about her future self, and then I just continued alternating back and forth.

Were there any certain governments or organizations in history that inspired the political themes Pandemonium takes on?
This year was a landmark year for public unrest. In America, I was inspired by the Occupy movements, and I was deeply inspired by the so-called Arab Spring, and the demonstrations of a furious public in the streets of various repressive and fundamentalist regimes. All that was a big influence, yes.

You’ve introduced us to several members of the resistance, a few of which have amazing backstories. Did you invent backstories for all the characters? Will we hear more of them in the future?
I do have a sense of the backstories of the characters in the Wilds, yes—I find it helps to know more about your characters than you can put on the page. And we do learn more about certain members of the resistance in Requiem, although unfortunately, there simply isn’t room to speak about everyone.

We’ve heard lots of fans say that while Delirium is about love, Pandemonium is about anger and resentment. Would you agree?
Oh, wow! I hadn’t heard that. Pandemonium is a much more explosive book, it’s true. It deals with a lot of things—grief, anger, prejudice, and also, perhaps, healing.


Lena cannot fully trust the government nor the resistance by the end of Pandemonium. In Hana, the eBook novella from Hana’s perspective, we learn that she reported Lena and Alex. Is there anyone in Lena’s life who is innately good and trustworthy?
There are many people in Lena’s life who are exceptionally good—including Hana. People are not “innately” one way or another. We must choose, over and over again, day by day, to act in a way that is in accordance with our values. Good people do terrible things sometimes. Terrible people do good things sometimes. We must be defined by our continued choices.

If you’ve already read Pandemonium, keep checking back for Part 2 of our interview, in which we discuss all the spoiler-y, in-depth details of the book! If you haven’t read it yet… GET READING!

Lauren Oliver reads from Pandemonium

To celebrate the much anticipated release of Pandemonium, Lauren Oliver reads aloud from the thrilling sequel! So everyone, grab your brand new copies of Pandemonium and read along!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.


Character Analysis

So, I’ve decided to do a series of character analysis’s just to give you guys an insight into my perception of the characters. Feel free to send your character analysis to: and we’ll be sure to post them on the site!

Lena Halloway

One thing I hate about heroine’s in young adult fiction, is that when you first read them, they often come across as very…needy or pushy or cocky. It’s as though they feel the need to prove that the leading female character in a story doesn’t always have to be the ‘damsel in distress’ type which, don’t get me wrong, is great but they push the idea of a strong independent, female character to the point where she becomes impossible to relate to and often kind of preachy.

When I first read Lena, she instantly grabbed my attention due to her vulnerability. She wasn’t a revolutionary character who was breaking the mould of society and setting new boundaries, but rather, just an ordinary young woman who was subject to the same conventions and social norms as everyone else in her world, and had to be pushed into seeing the powers that be, for what they really are, and then making a stand against them.

I think my favourite moment with Lena is when she is at her Evaluation, and she is asked why she likes Romeo and Juliet, and rather than give the answer the Evaluators were expecting (something along the lines of, because it’s a cautionary tale about the dangers of love) she answers simply with, ‘It’s beautiful’. This is the first time the reader is shown the side of Lena that she wants, perhaps even subconsciously, to keep hidden from the world. It is the first time we think, yep, she’s going to defy this dystopian society. It is also the first time Lena says something that is just raw honesty.

The thing about Lena, is that she sees the world in a way that and artist, musician or poet might, she sees the light and dark of the world and thinks them equally beautiful. It just takes a chance meeting with a young boy named Alex to give her the confidence she needs to stand up for what she believes in. The way she grows so naturally throughout the book, rather than in a sudden implausible way, makes her extremely realistic and easy to relate to.

More character analysis’s coming soon! Stay tuned for the analysis on Hanna!

Until next time

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

Fight For Love!

Today is a day to celebrate that which the Cured’s among us can never experience. Love. An emotion to be treasured above all others. What would we be without love? Without passion? Without lust even! The world can never survive as a cured entity, which is why today more than ever we must rise up against all the powers that endeavour to silence true love.

Happy Valentines day oh brave, fierce warriors against all that is Cured!

Tell us your Valentines stories! We’d love to hear them! Email us at or comment on this post!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They can not take it.

My Cast Picks for Delirium!

These are the actors that I think would be perfect for roles in Delirium for the film, which is anticipated for production!!

(Note: This would be the cast if you could mix and match the best from the Young Adult/Fantasy world.)

Lena – played by Lily Collins (The Mortal Instruments, The Blind Side)

Hana – played by Dianna Agron (Glee star)

Alex – played by Tom Felton (Harry Potter)

Rachel – Played by Emma Watson (Harry Potter)

Gracie – Played by Savannah Paige Rae (Parenthood)

Jenny – played by Elle Fanning (We Bought a Zoo, Super 8)

Aunt Carol – played by Nicole Kidman (The Golden Compass, Moulin Rouge, The Others)

Lena’s Mother – played by Amy Adams (Enchanted, Doubt)

Anyway, hope you like my picks!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

Question Time!

Hello my dear Uncureds/Invalids,

So, I had a thought, that people may want to discuss/ask questions about the book. For instance, things that you didn’t understand while reading, questions about people’s views on the plot/character’s/writing style or even if you just want to share your opinion on this wonderful series! Anything you’ve ever wanted to say/ask about Delirium, you can say here!!

Write your opinion/question in the comments section of this post or email us at and we’ll do our upmost to give you a satisfactory reply/answer!

Get commenting!!!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

Fan Fiction Submissions!

Hello to all you Cured’s, Uncured’s and Invalids!

It’s time we started getting some content onto this site, and one thing I’m particularly interested in starting is a series of short Delirium fanfiction’, written by you, the fan’s!

So If you have any short fanfic’s that you would like to share with the fandom, feel free to email us at: and we’ll make sure to credit the work to you when it’s uploaded!

Please continue to send through pictures, videos or anything else Delirium related!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.