Lauren Oliver’s Requiem Giveaway CLOSED


That’s right, folks, Lauren Oliver is no longer accepting entries for her Requiem ARC giveaway. I hope you all got your submissions in and the best of luck to you all!

Requiem Give away!

News just in from Lauren Oliver;

There are now officially exactly three copies of Requiem in the world. Just three. In the whole world. One is mine. (Lauren Oliver) One is for my dad. And the other… well the other is for one of you!

What I want to know is why YOU should get that one Requiem ARC! Send me your stories! Are you a crazy Delirium fan? Do you have a great and and funny story that occurred because of your obsession? Happy/sad/good/bad/funny/serious/long/short… I want to read them all! Convince me!

Send all your stories to , and put “Requiem Giveaway” in the subject line. I’ll post my favorite stories up here on the blog, and even if you don’t get the one copy, you might get on the list for future ARCs or other Lauren Oliver swag.

I can’t wait!


This is HUGE! News all Delirium Fans out there, I will be entering will you?

Lauren Oliver Issues a Writing Challenge!

After all the chaos surrounding the release of her new book, Pandemonium, Lauren Oliver is back to giving her readers writing challenges! Lauren loves to get her readers creative juices flowing and this is certainly a fun way to do it!

So what’s in store this time?!

The prompt for this challenge is. . . awkward! No, really, awkward is the prompt. What does awkward mean to you? Is it blurting out you like someone, only to have him/her confess to liking your best friend? Is it the moment at graduation your uncle gets drunk and confesses he wished he’d married your mother instead of her sister? Is it your father trying to give you advice on the birds and bees, or your mom asking your advice on the very same subject? Or is it (like the image above) when someone gives you a present that you just have no idea what to do with! Take this anywhere you want, so long as the prevailing theme is a moment of supreme and skin-crawling awkwardness.

The best entries will be featured on Lauren’s very own blog for all of her readers to see!

You can find all the details, including response length and due date on Lauren’s blog!

GIVEAWAY: The Fandom’s Got The Deliria!

Spread the deliria!

Have you heard tons of good things about Delirium by Lauren Oliver, but never had a chance to read it? Or are you a huge fan of the book, but you don’t have your own copy to read and re-read? Today is your lucky day!

Thanks to the wonderful team at Harper Collins, we’re giving away a copy of Delirium by Lauren Oliver! We’ve got the deliria, now it’s time for you to discover it too!


This contest is open to US residents only! We apologize for any inconvenience to fans in other countries!