Alex and Raven on COTEC!


It’s Alex from Delirium vs. Carlisle from Twilight, and Raven vs. Ronald Weasley from Harry Potter. It’s gonna be really difficult for Raven to win this, but give her some support! And Alex? HE’S AHEAD! Let’s keep it that way!

Voting ends on 9/19!

Lena vs. Annabel on COTEC


Don’t forget: It’s Lena vs. Annabel right now! Who’s gonna win this one!?

Voting ends tomorrow at 11:59pm, so go vote!

Go vote for Julian!

Voting ends tonight, so don’t forget to go put in your vote for Julian on COTEC!!


Edit: Well, we gave Haymitch a good run. Julian actually had the lead for a little while!

COTEC has begun! Julian in the first set of the battles!

If you haven’t heard yet, The Clash of The Epic Characters (#COTEC) started today! is pitting specific characters from 10 of our beloved YA novels/series’ in a battle for the most epic character of them all!

Anyway, this first set of battles has Julian Fineman against Haymitch Abernathy from The Hunger Games!  Okay people, let’s not stand around letting that drunkard get all the spoils!

I highly recommend that you put in your votes! You can vote multiple times and this set of battles ends at just before midnight 8/26/12. Then another set of battles will begin on Monday, 8/27/12.

We’ll keep you updated on who’s next for that as well.

Spread the word and vote!