New Weekly Quiz Question Week 3

The responses are lacking in the quiz. But thank you to Valerie who got 20 points on last weeks question.

Leader board

40points- Valerie
10points- Michaela

This weeks two questions. Remember answer one.

    Hard question

The textbook ‘Before the Border, A Brief History of the United States of America’ is wrote by which author?

    Easy question

Finish the sentence.
The most dangerous sicknesses are those that…….

The New Weekly Quiz Question Week 3

The results so far!

    Leader Board

40points- Valerie
10points- Mitchell
10points- Michaela

And here is this weeks questions. The first answer for the hard question is only accepted. First three answers for the easy are accepted.

    Hard question

Name six scavengers.

    Easy question

What is Julian’s brothers name?

See you next week x

The New Weekly Quiz; Week 2

From last week the points are;

20points- Valerie
10points- Michaela

This weeks questions. Remember you can answer one and only the first answer for the hard question will be accepted.

    Hard question

During the summer in which Lena and Hana had not been spending as much time with each other, they eventually meet and Hana tells Lena she had been spending her time babysitting for which family?

    Easy Question

This book cover is which country’s version of Delirium?


See you next week!

The New Weekly Quiz!

First of all a big thank you to all who have took part in the previous weeks questions! And a big congratulations to Michaela who accumulated the most points and won over all!

So now it’s a new year, so a new quiz! Today starts the new version. Points are all back to zero and we now have an incentive.

Over the duration of this new quiz you will be playing for a prize. At the end of the 6 months, which is 24 weeks, so 24 questions. I shall be offering a prize to the player with the highest score accumulated.

This prize I offer will be a jewellery item of your choice which I shall make from my collection. You can chose anything from necklace, earrings, bracelet, keychain and so on. You can pick colours and charms am of course it will be a reminder and signature of your Delirium fandom love!

So we start from today!
Here’s how the new game works!

Each week I shall post two questions. One hard and one average/easy. You can answer one question.

Only the first answer to the hard question will count and offer twenty points. Any answers after that, from anyone will not count and you can answer the second question, which holds the same points score as before.
So to review;

20points- first person to answer the hard question.
10points- for first easy answer
5points- for second easy answer
1point- for third easy answer.
You may only answer one question.

So with that here is question one;

Who is the Mayors Minister of Information.

What dose DFA stand for?

The Weekly Quiz Question Week 11

And so it has come! The final quiz question of the year! Thank you for all taking part this year, an starting next week I shall be starting the new version.
The results from last week are as follows, with a big hello to some new faces as well as some regular!

10points- Michaela
5points- Vince
1point- Jam

Leader Board
66points- Michaela
35points- Valerie
21points- Analis Marrero
12points- Miranda
10points- Ally
5points- Vince
1point- Cady
1point- Kay
1point- Jam

And so the final question of 2012!

Who is the girl who sends Hana the coded text messages telling her the location and times of the underground parties?

See you all next year!

Weekly Quiz Question Week 10

Results from last week first!

10points- Miranda
5points- Valerie
1point- Michaela

    Leader Board

56points- Michaela
35points- Valerie
21points- Analis Marrero
12points- Miranda
10points- Ally
1point- Cady
1point- Kay

And so this weeks question;

What new name dose Lena go by in Pandemonium.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas full of love and dreams of a delira free world!
In the new year I shall be changing up this quiz so stay tuned!

The Weekly Quiz Question week 9

Good response for last week and it was good to see some old faces have returned. Results are as follows;

10points- Valerie
5points- Michaela
1point- Miranda

    Leader Board

55points- Michaela
30points- Valerie
21points- Analis Marrero
10points- Ally
1point- Cady
2points- Miranda
1point- Kay

This weeks question!

When the cows interrupt Lena’s first evaluation, there is writing on their flanks. What dose this writing say?

The Weekly Quiz Question week 8

Two responses from last week an the points go too;

10points- Michaela
5points- Valerie

And the leader board stands like this!

50points- Michaela
21points- Analis Marrero
20points- Valerie
10points- Ally
1point- Cady
1point- Kay
1points- Miranda

This weeks question;

What is Lenas mothers crypt prisoner number?

The Weekly Quiz Question week 7

Bit down on responses last week but we shall power on.

Last week two correct answers with 10 points to Michaela land 5 to Valerie

Leader board stands like;

40points- Michaela
21points- Analis Marrero
15points- Valerie
10points- Ally
1point- Cady
1point- Kay
1points- Miranda

This weeks question;

Hana falls for this boy before seeing the error of her ways.

See you next week!

The Weekly Quiz Question Week 6

Another great response from last week so as usual the points first an he current leader board!

10points- Valerie
5points- Michaela
1point- Miranda

    Leader Board

30points- Michaela
21points- Analis Marrero
10points- Ally
10points- Valerie
5points- Valerie
1point- Cady
1point- Kay
1points- Miranda

And this weeks question is as follows;

When Alex takes Lena to his home in the wilds he reads her a poem, who is this poem by?

Until next week x