Interactive Delirium Trailer

This is REALLY cool!  This is an interactive trailer for Delirium.  Once you watch this you get to pick whether or not you want to go through with The Cure, I suggest you select each one to see what it says.  

Seriously, when I selected ‘yes’ I almost cried!  That video is really quite sad.  I choose to NEVER be Cured!

Thanks to LaurenOliverUK for this awesome video!

Lauren Oliver reads from Pandemonium

To celebrate the much anticipated release of Pandemonium, Lauren Oliver reads aloud from the thrilling sequel! So everyone, grab your brand new copies of Pandemonium and read along!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.


Character Analysis

So, I’ve decided to do a series of character analysis’s just to give you guys an insight into my perception of the characters. Feel free to send your character analysis to: and we’ll be sure to post them on the site!

Lena Halloway

One thing I hate about heroine’s in young adult fiction, is that when you first read them, they often come across as very…needy or pushy or cocky. It’s as though they feel the need to prove that the leading female character in a story doesn’t always have to be the ‘damsel in distress’ type which, don’t get me wrong, is great but they push the idea of a strong independent, female character to the point where she becomes impossible to relate to and often kind of preachy.

When I first read Lena, she instantly grabbed my attention due to her vulnerability. She wasn’t a revolutionary character who was breaking the mould of society and setting new boundaries, but rather, just an ordinary young woman who was subject to the same conventions and social norms as everyone else in her world, and had to be pushed into seeing the powers that be, for what they really are, and then making a stand against them.

I think my favourite moment with Lena is when she is at her Evaluation, and she is asked why she likes Romeo and Juliet, and rather than give the answer the Evaluators were expecting (something along the lines of, because it’s a cautionary tale about the dangers of love) she answers simply with, ‘It’s beautiful’. This is the first time the reader is shown the side of Lena that she wants, perhaps even subconsciously, to keep hidden from the world. It is the first time we think, yep, she’s going to defy this dystopian society. It is also the first time Lena says something that is just raw honesty.

The thing about Lena, is that she sees the world in a way that and artist, musician or poet might, she sees the light and dark of the world and thinks them equally beautiful. It just takes a chance meeting with a young boy named Alex to give her the confidence she needs to stand up for what she believes in. The way she grows so naturally throughout the book, rather than in a sudden implausible way, makes her extremely realistic and easy to relate to.

More character analysis’s coming soon! Stay tuned for the analysis on Hanna!

Until next time

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

Fight For Love!

Today is a day to celebrate that which the Cured’s among us can never experience. Love. An emotion to be treasured above all others. What would we be without love? Without passion? Without lust even! The world can never survive as a cured entity, which is why today more than ever we must rise up against all the powers that endeavour to silence true love.

Happy Valentines day oh brave, fierce warriors against all that is Cured!

Tell us your Valentines stories! We’d love to hear them! Email us at or comment on this post!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They can not take it.

My Cast Picks for Delirium!

These are the actors that I think would be perfect for roles in Delirium for the film, which is anticipated for production!!

(Note: This would be the cast if you could mix and match the best from the Young Adult/Fantasy world.)

Lena – played by Lily Collins (The Mortal Instruments, The Blind Side)

Hana – played by Dianna Agron (Glee star)

Alex – played by Tom Felton (Harry Potter)

Rachel – Played by Emma Watson (Harry Potter)

Gracie – Played by Savannah Paige Rae (Parenthood)

Jenny – played by Elle Fanning (We Bought a Zoo, Super 8)

Aunt Carol – played by Nicole Kidman (The Golden Compass, Moulin Rouge, The Others)

Lena’s Mother – played by Amy Adams (Enchanted, Doubt)

Anyway, hope you like my picks!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

Question Time!

Hello my dear Uncureds/Invalids,

So, I had a thought, that people may want to discuss/ask questions about the book. For instance, things that you didn’t understand while reading, questions about people’s views on the plot/character’s/writing style or even if you just want to share your opinion on this wonderful series! Anything you’ve ever wanted to say/ask about Delirium, you can say here!!

Write your opinion/question in the comments section of this post or email us at and we’ll do our upmost to give you a satisfactory reply/answer!

Get commenting!!!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.


Who’s excited for the next installment of Lena’s journey for freedom? The official release date for Pandemonium is the 28th of February!

In case you haven’t already read it, here is the first chapter (officially released, so no copyright infringements!) of Pandemonium

Chapter 1: Now

Alex and I are lying together on a blanket in the backyard Aof 37 Brooks. The trees look larger and darker than usual. The leaves are almost black, knitted so tightly

together they blot out the sky. “It probably wasn’t the best day for a picnic,” Alex says,

and just then I realize that yes, of course, we haven’t eaten any of the food we brought. There’s a basket at the foot of the blanket, filled with half-rotten fruit, swarmed by tiny black ants.

“Why not?” I say. We are lying on our backs, staring at the web of leaves above us, thick as a wall.

“Because it’s snowing.” Alex laughs. And again I realize he’s right: It is snowing, thick flakes the color of ash swirling all around us. It’s freezing cold, too. My breath comes in clouds, and I press against him, trying to stay warm.

“Give me your arm,” I say, but Alex doesn’t respond. I try to move into the space between his arm and his chest but his body is rigid, unyielding. “Alex,” I say. “Come on, I’m cold.”

“I’m cold,” he parrots, from lips that barely move. They are blue, and cracked. He is staring at the leaves without blinking.

“Look at me,” I say, but he doesn’t turn his head, doesn’tblink, doesn’t move at all. A hysterical feeling is building inside me, a shrieking voice saying wrong, wrong, wrong, and I sit up and place my hand on Alex’s chest, as cold as ice. “Alex,” I say, and then, a short scream: “Alex!”

“Lena Morgan Jones!” I snap into awareness, to a muted chorus of giggles. Mrs. Fierstein, the twelfth-grade science teacher at

Quincy Edwards High School for Girls in Brooklyn, Section 5, District 17, is glaring at me. This is the third time I’ve fallen asleep in her class this week.

“Since you seem to find the Creation of the Natural Order so exhausting,” she says, “might I suggest a trip to the principal’s office to wake you up?”

“No!” I burst out, louder than I intended to, provoking a new round of giggles from the other girls in my class. I’ve been enrolled at Edwards since just after winter break— only a little more than two months—and already I’ve been labeled the Number-One Weirdo. People avoid me like I have a disease—like I have the disease.

If only they knew.

“This is your final warning, Miss Jones,” Mrs. Fierstein says. “Do you understand?”

“It won’t happen again,” I say, trying to look obedient and contrite. I’m pushing aside the memory of my nightmare, pushing aside thoughts of Alex, pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school, push, push, push, like Raven taught me to do. The old life is dead.

Mrs. Fierstein gives me a final stare—meant to intimidate me, I guess—and turns back to the board,

returning to her lecture on the divine energy of electrons. The old Lena would have been terrified of a teacher like Mrs. Fierstein. She’s old, and mean, and looks like a cross between a frog and a pit bull. She’s one of those people who makes the cure seem redundant—it’s impossible to imagine that she would ever be capable of loving, even

without the procedure. But the old Lena is dead too. I buried her. I left her beyond a fence, behind a wall of smoke and


Can’t wait for the book!!

Until next time,

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

Fan Submissions!

This video was submitted by one of our fans! Feel free to email us any submission’s that you think would be great for the page!